
Groundbait Mister Dudi Bait

Similar to mixes of boilies, but with a larger granulation. It can be used for feeding, making groundbait ball, hard ball molded with two hands will go straight to the bottom, will carry a lot of particles and is ideal for keeping the fish on the feeding spot or it can be used on the feeder. Due to the fact that it also contains a significant percentage of the mix used in the manufacture of “Mister Dudi” boilies, it will be a bait that carp will always accept.

Quantity: 1 Kg

Weight1 kg



  1. DAN

    il recomand in partidele scurte.
    atractie buna

  2. Bogdan

    Toti pun aceeasi intrebare… Ba, da tine pe momitor? 😁 Da, chiar tine, ingredientele sunt de calitate, iar consistenta este un foarte buna! Recomand!

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