Green cloud (smoke) Dudi Bait
It is an attractive liquid for carp, but also for most fish species, including grass carp. In contact with water, it creates a chemical reaction, resulting in an attractive green cloud, attracting the attention of fish in that area. It also has vertical attraction, the cloud spreading from the substrate to the upper areas of the water. It can be used in any bait, enhancing the attraction of any bait or it can also be injected into PVA bags.
Tip: When fishing with a soluble bag, before launching, simply immerse the bag in the jar with Green cloud, or pour a few drops of liquid over the already made bag.
Quantity: 100 ml –
Am folosit “Verzala” la dipuirea momeli unde a observat un raspuns mai rapid al pestilor chiar si pe ape salbatice ( Olt, Arges , Dunare ) un minus ar fi ca atrage pestele mic foarrte repede in ape limpezi. Recomand pentru pescuitul stationar sau method feeder . –
Folosit pe balta in partide scurte cu bune rezultate.O minunatie. –
Un aditiv de foarte buna calitate ai in același timp un super atractant pentru Pești mari !! Nota 10!!! –
Simplu .
Calitate nota 10 🤫